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Wagner himself said that Gesamtkunstwerk could not be achieved by a single person.  This work has been a collaboration between dozens of infinitely generous people.  I would like to specifically thank the following:


Linda Garofalo - Thank you for grounding me in this work, for asking the right questions and answering those that I thought were unanswerable.  Thank you for always putting art first and encouraging me not to diminish my vision.  I believe in this work because you believed in me.


Elisa Koehler - I am so grateful to be able to share my senior project with my freshman advisor!  Thank you for always leaving your door open to me for discussions of dance, music, art, and life.


Daniel Marcus - Thank you for agreeing to serve on my thesis committee without even knowing who I was!  I appreciate your challenging me, and have found your insight into the themes of my piece fascinating and revealing.   


Cuong - No amount of chocolate can cover all the work you put into this project without complaint or expectation of repayment.  Thank you for being a silly, supportive, super-strong and patient partner.


My family - From dead birds for my birthday to curtains for Christmas, this work would be empty without your help!  Thank you for making my life a “Total work of Art” - a beautiful accumulation of voices and visions shared in a supportive, loving environment.


My cast - This piece is yours as much as it is mine.  I am so grateful that you made the commitment to reach beyond the comfortable; to become a community; to work all year on this crazy invention of ours.  Each of you is a delight to work with and a joy to watch.  



This website is for educational purposes only.

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